Stepping Stones is eligible to provide Psychological services under the Better Access to Psychologists initiative.

Medicare rebates under the Better Access to Psychologists through the MBS (Better Access) initiative are available for clients with a mental health disorder to receive up to ten individual and up to ten group allied mental health services per calendar year.

At the conclusion of the first 6 sessions of treatment, the Psychologist must report back to the referring medical practitioner on the patient’s progress and the referring practitioner assesses the patient’s need for further services.

Medicare rebates for these services are available to clients with a mental health disorder who have been referred by a medical practitioner managing the patient under a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan; a referred psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or on referral by a psychiatrist or paediatrician.

For further information regarding Medicare rebates for Psychological services please contact your GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician or visit

  • Child Specific Services
  • Adolescent Specific Services
  • Adult Specific Services
  • Psychoeducational Services
  • Autism Specific Services
  • Medicare Services
  • WMQ Services
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